
  Tennis - Fall Boys Junior Excellence Training
  8/17/2024 - 10/5/2024
  Su, Sa
  3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  Mundelein High School:Mundelein High School

Registration is now closed

Event Actions

This camp is for players in 4th - 8th grade with consent of instructors.  Each camp consists of drill and match play.
Participants should bring their own water bottle

The Camp will meet on the following dates:
Saturday, August 17th                  Monday, September 2nd               Sunday, September 22nd
Sunday, August 18th                    Saturday, September 7th                Saturday, September 28th
Saturday, August 24th                  Sunday, September 8th                     Sunday, September 29th
Sunday, August 25th                    Saturday, September 14th              Saturday, October 5th
Saturday, August 31st                   Sunday, September 15th              Sunday, October 6th
Sunday, September 1                    Saturday, September 21st